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Out & About With Celiac

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A Celiac or food allergy diagnosis makes it hard enough to eat at home, let alone eating out. That is a whole other obstacle to tackle. Celiac disease isn't something to play around with. Taking chances with what you eat, can make you very sick. With the number of gluten free options available in supermarkets on the rise, more and more restaurants are recognizing the need to add gluten free options to menus. May is Celiac Awareness Month, and this...


At Home With Celiac

Nutrition, From Our Kitchensage img

It's not an easy diagnosis. What you think may be a gluten allergy may not be an allergy at all, but rather Celiac disease. So what is Celiac disease? It is an autoimmune digestive disease that damages the villi of the small intestine, causing the body to attack itself every time a person with Celiac consumes gluten. This is why it is often misdiagnosed as a gluten allergy. A Celiac diagnosis doesn't necessarily have to mean giving up the foods...


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